Charitable Giving

In 2022 the board made the decision to reorganize as a non-profit foundation, in addition to the annual scholarship. Since then, the foundation has donated over $12,000 to the greater Norwood Community. These donations have directly impacted local families, recreation programs, scholarships, schools, and charitable organizations.


The Foundation provided $2,000 in school supplies for Norwood families to start the school year. The foundation partnered with the Norwood Public Schools to distribute bags across all school sites.


In 2022 the foundation has not only provided funds directly to families, in 2023 18 holiday meals were provided. The foundation worked with school nurses and the Olde Colonial Cafe to provide catered meals to those experiencing economic hardship during the holiday season.


In 2022, $2,000 was donated to the Norwood Recreation Department. The funds donated supported the Summer Play Camp program for children in grades k-8.

“Alone We Can Do So Little; Together We Can Do So Much.”

-Helen Keller